Friday, November 27, 2009

Shopping, Nap, Movie

That is the order of my day.... which last night ended around 2am, after watching Transformers 2 with the in-laws, and started roughly 2 hours later, when we got up for Black Friday shopping. 

Shopped- bought some stuff, but there wasn't any 'must haves' basically just carried out the tradition, and got a few items (mostly toys) for the younger ones in the family.

Scanned- Still no DF, but an 11mm one on BOTH sides.  Usually by now, the second one shrinks down (last scan was a 7.5mm and 10mm), but since they both grew to over 10mm, he said this might be a twin month....  if we can get there before Travis leaves for training!

Slept- if you need an explanation of this one, go read the first like of the post! :)

Swooned-  Ok, well, not really, but to keep up with my 'S' theme, it is somewhat appropriate (given the general response to the movie).  My husband had the option of watching all three kids (his little brother and sister, and his daughter) while his parents and I went to Twilight, or he could take me to Twilight.... ya, he's watching the kids! He's happy, and we are happy, so it all works out in the end.  

I assume it's going to be good, from what reviews I have been reading.  I personally just don't find either one of the guys that overly attractive.  Emh... not that big of deal.... but I enjoyed the book, so the movie will be a nice way to top off the day.


  1. A twin month -- that's exciting. I hope you guys get to try while DH is still in town. I am curious about the Twilight movie too, but I keep telling myself to wait til it comes out on DVD. I'd be curious to hear what you thought of it.

  2. Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving and wow Twin month?!?! my fingers crossed for you!

  3. Thanksgiving, Twilight, and a Twin month?! Seriously awesome!
