Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another 2ww

Emily, over at A Hope and a Wish for a Gift from a Petri Dish, wrote this perfect... so I'm stealing borrowing it from her!  She is actually just a day ahead of me, so we will both have little pumpkins!

How many times must us IF girls face the 2ww. I have finally gotten the glorious BFP...and now I have to go 2 whole weeks until I can see *my pumpkin*. I have to wait 2 weeks to see if my baby has a heartbeat. I have to wait 2 weeks to find out how many are in there. I have to wait 2 weeks to know that I am really and truly pregnant and the embryo is where it is supposed to be and growing like it is supposed to.

It seems so unfair. I've already put in my 2ww.

She has stated it so simply.  The only change I made, was I put in *my pumpkin* since that seems to be our nickname for our little one already.

Emily, all I have to say is ditto!


  1. Yayyyyyy. I have someone to endure this treacherous wait with me!!!! Congrats on your BFP! Still feels surreal doesn't it!

  2. My 2WW starts on Tuesday, so I'm there with you as well. God bless!

  3. Congratulations!!!

  4. I am so happy for you Jenn! It's just unbelievable!

  5. This is such an awesome post. How many times will we endure those 14 days of waiting.... I never thought past the dreaded first 2ww until I read this. I will be in my 2ww a week from Wednesday approximately. A huge congrats on your little pumpkin, amazing! Come back and congratulate me in a few weeks too.

  6. Hey pregnant lady..Maybe a little award waiting for you over at my blog will make the wait a *tad* more bearable? =) Here's hoping it goes fast!!
