Sunday, December 5, 2010


Seirously- 300 posts?  I knew I had surpassed 200 not so long ago... ya, in May!

Well, back to the normally scheduled blog post:

Today was exhausting.  Between not sleeping well the last few days I really just wanted to stay in bed all day.

We had been debating on if we should do Christmas decorations, because we were supposed to be going back to visit my family in New Mexico.

Then there was another twist, the possible match with a child due in early January.  IF we got matched, and IF we brought him home, would I really want to take down Christmas decorations with a newborn around?

We thought no. 

But it was hard, I really wanted to get into the Christmas spirit.  I love our tree.  It has ornaments that tells the story of our life.  A shell angel from our honeymoon.  The gateway arch from our weekend exploring St. Louis, ornaments from the bases we have lived at.  It's so nice to relive the memories as we unpack them.

We settled on just setting up the 'big' tree (we have five... don't ask...), and nothing else (like the other 7 tubs full of Christmas decor!).  Well, my Mom suggested that we set up my Americana tree too, or one of my presents wouldn't have a place to live... which means she got me some American themed ornaments, so I convinced him to do that one too.

Well really, it's still in the box, I went and soaked in the tub tonight.  It will get set up tomorrow.

We meet our birthmom on Wednesday... just a few more days!  Hopefully we'll find out if she's visited the OB lately, and if he thinks the baby is coming soon.  I might go buy a blue baby's 1st Christmas ornament... if it gets to be the 23rd or so, and there is no sign of him, I can always take it back, but I'd hate to wait till the last minute and he come, and then there not be any cute ones left....


  1. I forgot about your five trees! I'm going to call you crazy christmas lady! :) I'm glad you are at least putting up one--you need the holiday cheer! Get some sleep!!

  2. 300 Congratulations.

    I think getting the babies 1st Christmas ornament now is a good idea. Better to be safe than sorry.

  3. With a newborn this year, we opted to just set up the tree but not hang the outside lights. I'll go back to work on January 3rd, and I didn't want to have to think about taking them down. Glad you're getting into the spirit of Christmas!

  4. Hee hee. I have five trees up. When I first met my husband and he told me his mom had six Christmas trees in their house, I wondered if they lived in a mansion or something. Nope. Regular old house. And lo and behold, eight years later, I have turned into her. I even managed four trees in a three bedroom apartment. So deck your halls as much as you want! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  5. Glad you are getting in the Christmas spirit! I am so excited to continue to watch your story unfold.
