Friday, February 5, 2010

one more hour

Can any day take any longer to pass... though now that I think about it, it is likely that every day of an ultrasound will drag.  I just want to know if my pumpkin is still doing what needs to be done!

I'm going to leave in a bit for the doctors office, it's been snowing off and on all day, so I don't know how bad the roads are.  I have noticed that several cities/towns around us have been letting the kids out early (or so it seems, as the list on the bottom of the screen keeps growing).

Just a few more prayers between now and then.   

I'll do a quick update from my blackberry after the appointment, with hopefully only good great news!


  1. Can't wait to hear what happened!! Update soon!!

  2. I know the feeling. The nurse gave me the option of 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, or 11:30 a.m. for our upcoming ultrasound. Thinking that my husband would want to put in a morning at work...I chose the 11:30 slot. Turns out he'll take the whole day off with me, so I could have gotten in earlier. Oh well. Patience is a virtue, right? Praying for peace for both of us. God bless!
