Friday, May 27, 2011

$.75 happy evening

The motto of recruiting should be "Welcome to recruiting, say good bye to your federal holidays!".  Trav is at a race event all weekend, so tonight I was alone.  I spent my time with Bud Wheat, bbq wings, and this amazing ice cream cup, thay was $.75!  It's cake batter, and had sprinkles and actual chunks of vanilla cake.


Between the yummy food, good drink, and awesome dessert, it was good.  I watched Eat,Pray,Love, but wasn't totally impressed, so I stopped 1/2 way thru, and watched the last couple episodes of The Glades, on demand.  I didn't ever see it the first season, but was able to catch up, so I'm ready for season 2.


  1. We thought the same thing about 'Eat Pray Love' - never made it through fact, we walked out of the movie theater.
    Hope you have a good weekend and the ice cream sounds wonderful!

  2. I was pretty dissapointed with the movie too!real boring! Yeah..that ice cream sounds very sweet!

  3. I LOVE Bud Wheat. Just like a Blue Moon, but fewer calories. I'm desperately missing it this summer.

    I, too, stopped Eat, Pray, Love halfway through. I just couldn't take it. I think I stopped when she ate an entire pizza herself. However, the one line that stuck with me from it was "From ruin comes restoration." Not bad!

  4. I didn't like the movie version of Eat, Pray, Love either. I loved the book though--she comes off a lot less spoiled and pretentious in the book than in the movie :) Also, I couldn't stand how many things they changed from the book within the first 15 minutes!
