Thursday, July 8, 2010

My bench...

So, I crossed it off my list a day or so ago, but I finally got it inside, and placed where I really want to keep it, but I'm not sure if Travis will let me....

I couldn't stand putting it outside after it looked so pretty!
I'll just have to make another one for outside....


  1. LOVE IT!! I want one!

  2. Purty! I'd have a hard time leaving that outside, too. I like the HOPE on that. I've got to put that somewhere in the house.

  3. Wonderful job! It looks very nice right there, if he disagrees, tell Travis the internets agree with you. (That will work, right?) =)

  4. It's very cute!

    To respond to your blog comment- our agency suggested maybe changing some of the backgrounds b'c they are pretty busy. Also, I work with children and I am having the parents write little notes about me and a I am putting them together in a collage.

  5. When you get a moment please stop by my blog, I have something for you.

  6. Wow, that looks great!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting about my Lovenox question. I hope your adoption moves along smoothly and quickly!
