Tuesday, December 1, 2009

30 posts in 30 days...

Several of my blog-land friends did this for November, and they encouraged me.  I'm going to give it a whirl for December.... we'll see how far I get!

I think that the best way to start off my 30 days is with this beautiful picture:

Betcha wanna know what's in it hunh!!! I was part of an ornament exchange, and Suzy at Not a Fertile Myrtle got me these BE-U-TI-FUL butterflies.  These pictures truly do not do them justice (what can I say, it's the photographer, not the subjects!), but they are gorg!  They sparkle, and I love them.  They are already nestled into my tree.  I couldn't even wait to put them in to show my husband.  He walked in and asked "what's in the box"  "uhhh... nothing, because they are already on the tree!"

Thanks Suzy!!! I love them! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you love your butterflies! I received them from my person in the ornament exchange and knew I should send them to you too!!!!

    The look lovely on your tree!
